Manufacturing production system for leading filter manufacturer
A PlantRun Manufacturing Production System is enabling Donaldson Filter Components to improve production efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs at their filter manufacturing facility in Hull, UK.
Donaldson Filter Components is part of the Donaldson Company Inc., founded in 1915 now employs over 11,000 people at more than 50 locations worldwide with revenue of over $1.8 billion (year to July 2009)
The PlantRun system monitors two of six production lines and provides virtual real time production data and key performance metrics including OEE. Future expansion to monitor the remaining production lines can be done without disturbance to the existing line monitoring or having to replace any of the existing software or hardware. Integration with a JD Edwards ERP allows data exchange with PlantRun.
Donaldson Filter Components has taken advantage of the comprehensive training courses available to all PlantRun customers. Training ensures that the system is used efficiently, provides fast ROI and can be administered and supported by Donaldson’s own staff, reducing running costs of the manufacturing production system.
Update - International implementation and benefits...
The original system has since been expanded to monitor all production lines and a second system installed at the adjacent site in Hull.
Further systems have since been supplied for Donaldson manufacturing plants in the USA at Dixon, illinois and Cresco, Iowa and Cape Town, South Africa.
Since the implementation of the system in South Africa the lead PlantRun engineer, Sibtain Sadick commented…
“We wanted PlantRun for 2 reasons:
1. It’s a system that will allow us to accurately measure the performance of our key assets in our plant. It will give us the data to tackle the problem areas and make process improvements in those areas and help increase productivity.
2. It’s a tried and tested system as we were in contact with Hull Donaldson about PlantRun.
The improvements we experienced so far is, it’s been giving us good meaningful data. In the past we did not have such data available. A quick one is we can now know what the biggest time wasters are, for example we were able to pick up that operators were waiting for too long on components from components store. As a result we are in process of implementing a system that can call for components in realtime from our components stores. This will reduce wait time from them and improve productivity and efficiency.
Another example is tracking of changeovers and their durations. This gives valuable info into how we can improve it and implement kaizen events.”